
Lean into Portfolio Management

The global pandemic certainly contributes to this. Organisations are facing unrelenting pressure to keep customer service high and costs low. Somewhat unexpectedly, this has presented many organisations with the perfect opportunity to streamline their processes and practices.

Big Room Planning

Given the momentum that Agile has gained at organisation and industry level over the years, scaling is a topic that is becoming more and more relevant. 

When Happiness Knocks

Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfilment. While happiness has many different definitions, it is often described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction.

The Map to Team Collaboration

Helping groups of people reach for the dream of becoming a high-performing team is one of the main goals of any Agile coach. Great teamwork doesn’t just happen overnight; according to the Tuckman model of group development, all teams go through forming–storming–norming and eventually, the performing phase.

How to determine your Teams motivational levels

Successful companies recognize that motivated and engaged employees are more innovative, more focused and more productive. Successful companies also know that they cannot make people feel motivated or engaged, but that they need to identify what motivates their employees so that they can create the environment to make that happen.

GenerationZ – Hacking The Future Workforce

GenerationZ’ers are defined as people born post 1994/6, which means they are currently or will be entering the workforce about now. While most people are on the “new ideas, fresh thinking and innovation craze”, I am not convinced that everything is ok just yet.